Five Adorable Pups Face Death, Abandoned Few Feet From Speeding Traffic

Five Adorable Pups Face Death Abandoned Few Feet From Speeding Traffic

Five adorable Collie puppies were cruelly abandoned on the side of a busy road, just a few feet from speeding traffic.

Thanks to the action of a responsible community member, they found their way from peril to loving forever homes.


In Imminent Danger

The saga began in March 2023, when these energetic puppies were found abandoned in a cardboard box beside a busy road.

Unaware of the dangers around them, the puppies played joyfully, oblivious to the bustling highway traffic that posed a significant threat to their safety.

Just a few feet from the speeding traffic, their short lives could have ended before they’d barely begun.

A vigilant passerby noticed the pups and immediately contacted the ISPCA, initiating a rescue operation that would save their lives.


puppies abandoned next to speeding traffic

Source: ISPCA

Swift Rescue and Recovery

The ISPCA team responded promptly, ensuring the puppies were removed from harm’s way.

Upon arrival at the ISPCA Animal Care Center, the puppies underwent a thorough veterinary examination.

While they were found to have parasites, they were otherwise in good health – a fortunate start to their recovery.

The volunteers bathed the puppies and treated them for parasites, providing them with a clean bill of health and a new lease on life.


A New Playground

At the care center, the puppies could safely explore and play in a secure environment.

“They had a blast… chasing one another and reveling in the array of toys. The extra special attention from our dedicated animal care staff and volunteers delighted them,” said Carmel Murray, the ISPCA head of communication.

The care staff and volunteers took great joy in providing the puppies with the attention and stimulation they needed, delighting in the puppies’ recovery and spirited antics.


puppies safe and rescued

Source: ISPCA

Finding Forever Homes

Named Sean, Stephanie, Michelle, Brendan, and Gaza, the puppies soon thrived under the care of the ISPCA.

After receiving their first vaccinations and achieving a full recovery, they were ready for adoption.

It wasn’t long before each puppy found a loving family, eager to offer them the forever home they deserved.

Surrounded by affection and care, the puppies began to live their best lives.


A Call to Action

While the story of these five puppies ends happily, it casts a light on a broader issue – many animals are not as fortunate.

With shelters and rescue centers facing an overwhelming number of abandoned and surrendered animals, the need for community support is more pressing than ever.

This story serves as a call to action for more people to foster, adopt, and support animal welfare organizations.

The ISPCA and its supporters continue to work tirelessly to ensure more animals receive the chance for a happy ending, and we thank them!