Dog Left Tied To A Fence With Heartbreaking Note Clings To Hope

Dog Left Tied To A Fence With Heartbreaking Note Clings To Hope

Goose’s story is similar to many other dogs. He was found alone, clearly abandoned by his family, but despite that, he had a big smile on his face.

Fortunately, a kindhearted rescuer came along to make his life better.


Abandoned But Never Broken

Goose, a two-year-old Great Pyrenees mix, was left tied to a fence with a heart-wrenching note from his previous owners saying they didn’t want him anymore.


goose was found alone but smiling

Source: The Dodo

Despite his plight, Goose’s bright smile attracted two passersby who stopped to pet him, not realizing at first that he had been abandoned.

Once they understood his situation, one of them, Lindsey Hawkins, decided to do more than just offer a comforting pet. She stepped up to become his foster mom.


“He really likes people. When he saw someone coming up to him, he was just hoping to be loved on,” Hawkins said according to The Dodo.


smiling goose

Source: The Dodo

The note on Goose read: “Don’t have time. Just take the dog.”

So Lindsey just took him.

But first, she took him to a vet because he was dirty and covered in ticks. The vet team cleaned him up over several days to avoid stressing him out.


goose at the vet

Source: The Dodo

Throughout it all, Goose kept smiling.


“He never once showed an ounce of aggression during all of that. I think he knew we were really just trying to help him out,” Hawkins shared with The Dodo.


A Fresh Start With Lindsey

Lindsey was eager to bring Goose home, but Goose had other ideas.


happy goose with new mom

Source: The Dodo

“The whole ride home, he kept trying to climb from the back of my SUV to the front seat and eventually to my lap,” Lindsey said.


At home, Goose was initially afraid of furniture and hardwood floors, sticking to the rug in the living room or the carpeted hallway.


goose with his new family

Source: The Dodo

But within days, he adjusted and bonded with his new siblings, including a flock of chickens and a senior therapy dog named Zeus. Lindsey soon realized Goose was meant to stay.


“The day we decided that he was going to be a permanent resident, Goose stood up on his hind legs, put his front paws on my husband’s shoulders, and buried his head into my husband’s chest, as if he was saying, ‘Thank you,’” she recalled.


Two weeks later, Goose was fully comfortable in his new home, even jumping on Lindsey’s bed and walking on hardwood floors without fear.


happy goose lying on the couch

Source: The Dodo

Goose might even follow Zeus’s example and become a therapy dog, sharing his joy and unbreakable spirit with others.