People Spot A Dog Collapsed On Sidewalk And Find Out She Is Still Alive

People Spot A Dog Collapsed On Sidewalk And Find Out She Is Still Alive

A senior dog was found lying unconscious on a sidewalk in Brooklyn, and people feared the worst. She was emaciated, her ribs were showing, and she looked in terrible shape.

But when they realized the dog, later named Feisty, was still alive, their hearts filled with hope.

Concerned bystanders quickly posted pleas for help on Facebook, which caught the attention of Second Chance Rescue in New York City.

A kind bystander and the rescue staff rushed Feisty to an emergency hospital, hoping to save her.


Getting Feisty The Care She Desperately Needed

At the hospital, vets were heartbroken to see Feisty’s condition. Not only was she severely underweight, but her skin was also infected, and she had patches of fur missing.


dog found collapsed on sidewalk

Source: @nycscr

Her nails were so overgrown they were painfully embedded into her paw pads, and the vets were worried about suspicious masses on her body, fearing they might be cancerous.

Feisty was immediately given antibiotics, fluids, and pain relievers to ease her suffering.


feisty at the vet

Source: @nycscr

Despite her poor health, she craved affection and quickly stole the hearts of the hospital staff. They showered her with love, giving her kisses and cuddles as she gratefully soaked up the care she had long been missing.

When the rescue volunteers visited Feisty in the hospital, she was thrilled to see them, wagging her tail and covering them with kisses.

She was already looking better, and their hope for her recovery grew.


The Best News Ever

From the moment Feisty was found, many suspected she had cancer. The rescue team even started looking for hospice care for her.


feisty on her feet

Source: The Dodo

But then a wonderful family stepped up, eager to make whatever time Feisty had left as happy as possible.

The family instantly bonded with the sweet dog, and soon after she moved in with them, the best news arrived: Feisty’s biopsy results showed she didn’t have cancer. She wasn’t a hospice case at all—she was a healthy dog who needed a forever home!


feisty meeting her new family

Source: The Dodo

Overjoyed, the family wasted no time filling out adoption papers, officially making Feisty, now affectionately called FeeFee, a permanent part of their family.

FeeFee has blossomed in her new home. She’s no longer the scared, sick dog found on the sidewalk.

Now, she barks happily, asks for cuddles, and loves meeting new people during her walks.


feisty now

Source: The Dodo

Her new mom, Ursula Schmidt, said to The Dodo, “She LOVES visitors and meeting everyone during walks. It is very important to her to greet everyone.”


Thanks to the kindness of strangers and the dedication of her rescuers, Feisty found the love and happiness she always deserved.

She now lives her best life, surrounded by a family that adores her.