Sweet Great Dane Slowly Learns To Love Again After Being Abandonned

Sweet Great Dane Slowly Learns To Love Again After Being Abandonned

Marshmallow, a Great Dane abandoned by his family at a shelter for reasons unknown, is a lovable companion deeply traumatized by this rejection.

Over time, he slowly healed and rediscovered the joy of life, but the journey was long and challenging.


A Gentle Giant In Need

When Marshmallow was first brought to a shelter, her rescuers reached out to her previous owners, hoping she was just lost.


great dane in car after rescue

Source: The Dodo

Sadly, they didn’t want her back, so Marshmallow had to stay at the shelter in Florida to receive the care she needed.

One of the rescuers, Jordan, decided to foster Marshmallow until a permanent home could be found.

She was pleased to see that Marshmallow’s condition was improving and that she enjoyed being around her other dogs.


great dane at foster home after rescue

Source: The Dodo

However, during a big thunderstorm one night, Marshmallow was extremely frightened and struggled to stay calm. Jordan did everything she could to comfort her, giving her plenty of hugs and cuddles, but Marshmallow remained scared until the storm finally passed.


Reflecting on that night, Jordan told The Dodo, “The storm passed. I think it took a while for Marshmallow to realize she’s safe here.”


Marshmallow’s Journey To A New Life

Marshmallow got along well with the other dogs in the house but wasn’t very interested in playing.

She preferred to relax and nap with them instead. She also loved cuddling and sleeping with her foster mom, Jordan.


marshmallow with his foster mom and furry friend

Source: The Dodo

As time went on, Marshmallow began to come out of her shell.

Jordan often brought friends and other dogs to the house, and Marshmallow made quite a few new friends during those visits.


marshmallow lying with a dog friend

Source: The Dodo

Even though she became more social, Marshmallow remained a calm and gentle dog.


As Jordan put it, “Even when she came out of her shell, she’s not a rowdy dog. She’s still just a really calm dog.”


When the day arrived for Marshmallow to meet her new adoptive parents, Jordan felt a mix of emotions. She was thrilled that Marshmallow had found a loving home, but it was also bittersweet to say goodbye.


marshmallow with his new mom

Source: The Dodo

Despite their strong bond, Jordan knew it was time for Marshmallow to embark on a new adventure with a family who would cherish her.

Although Jordan will miss Marshmallow dearly, she’s overjoyed that this sweet Great Dane has a fresh start in a loving home where she can live her best life.