Heroic Vet Rescues A Mama Dog Buried Up To Her Neck And Her Puppies

Heroic Vet Rescues A Mama Dog Buried Up To Her Neck And Her Puppies

In a touching display of compassion and quick thinking, Soner Büyümez, a veterinarian, found himself at the center of a life-saving mission.

He was working in an orchard when he heard a heart-rending scream.

That’s when he stepped in to rescue a whole pup family.


The Dog Mommy Was Found Buried Up To Her Neck

dog momma found burried

Source: The Dodo

While working on a remote farm shortly after a landslide in Turkey, Soner Büyümez and his colleague heard the desperate howls of a dog.

As they investigated the source of the noise, they discovered a dog buried up to her neck in dirt, barely able to move.

They didn’t know it yet, but the dog had recently given birth and had made a makeshift home on a slight slope nearby, which tragically collapsed during the landslide.


Saving An Entire Pup Family

They first rescued the mother, pulling her to safety.

However, her distress did not end upon being freed; it soon became clear why—her puppies were still buried.

The cries of the puppies led Soner and his colleague to dig feverishly with their bare hands, moving soil and rocks to rescue them.


soner digging to find the puppies

Source: Daily Mail

Their relentless effort paid off when they uncovered a small, dirt-covered puppy.

Realizing there were more lives at stake, they continued digging, eventually rescuing six more puppies.


little pups after being rescued

Source: Daily Mail

Tragically, one puppy did not survive, but the rest were safe, thanks to their heroic actions.


Soner Ended Up Adopting The Whole Pup Pack

Overwhelmed with relief and joy, the mother dog could finally relax with her puppies in a safe environment.


rescued litter of puppies

Source: Daily Mail

Soner decided to keep the canine family on his farm, offering them a secure place to grow and thrive.


“Their general condition is very good. The mother and her puppies protected (...) I will care for them as my own.” Soner told The Dodo.


Despite the loss of one puppy, the mother dog could now raise her young ones without fear.

Soner’s farm has become a sanctuary for many dogs, where he continues to provide food, shelter, and care.


soner with carrying a little pup

Source: The Dodo

His actions not only saved a dog family but also highlighted the deep bond between humans and animals.

Soner may not wear a cape, but his actions really show how kind and good people can be.