Senior Chihuahua Abandoned Due To Jealousy Finds His Forever Loving Home

Senior Chihuahua Abandoned Due Jealousy Finds His Forever Loving Home

Gilbert, a sweet little Chihuahua, has experienced homelessness more than once.

The most recent time, he was returned to the shelter just three days after being adopted. His previous owner decided they didn’t want him anymore because he made their other dog jealous. So, Gilbert found himself without a home again.

Just when it seemed like this older pup might never find a family to love him, Aimee came into his life.


A Fighter’s Journey

Aimee Burton, a compassionate dog trainer from San Diego, California, couldn’t resist Gilbert when she spotted him on a shelter website.

Unfortunately, she was too late—he had already been adopted by another family.


But fate intervened just three days later when the shelter called Aimee to let her know that Gilbert had been returned. The previous family’s dog hadn’t taken kindly to him, and now he needed a new home.

Aimee didn’t hesitate this time and rushed to bring Gilbert into her life.


Gilbert’s past was a mystery, but one thing was certain—he was a survivor.

Found as a stray in Lancaster, California, his tiny 4.8-pound frame had somehow endured life on the streets.


“There’s coyotes and foxes and lots of wildlife. It’s kind of out there. The fact that he survived was pretty crazy,” Aimee remarked.


Despite his size, Gilbert had faced the wilderness and lived to tell the tale.


Finding Comfort In A New Home

When Gilbert first arrived at Aimee’s home, he was quiet and cautious.


It was clear that he had experienced hardship, but Aimee was patient.

She gradually introduced him to her other dogs and gave him all the care and attention he needed to feel safe.


In time, Gilbert began to trust again, and his true personality shone through.

Though he had health issues—a bad knee, a collapsing trachea, and dental problems—he embraced his new life with joy.

As Gilbert adjusted to his new home, Aimee started noticing some of his unique quirks. He preferred walking on dirt and pavement, avoiding grass entirely.

Despite his tiny size and health challenges, Gilbert wasn’t afraid to show his “tough side,” gumming at his housemates with his few remaining teeth.



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His little quirks only made him more lovable in Aimee’s eyes.

One of Aimee’s favorite moments of the day is waking Gilbert up.

His bright eyes and eager smile always make her day, and despite his age and health problems, Gilbert is ready to face every day with excitement.



Though he can’t keep up with his younger siblings, he’s an important part of the pack, and when he’s not able to join them on walks, he waits on the porch, giving them a longing look until they return.


A Happy Ending

Now, Gilbert spends his days wrapped in comfort, often snuggling under a blanket or lying next to Aimee.

After a difficult start in life, he’s finally found the love and security he deserves. Aimee’s dedication to this little fighter has given him a second chance, and Gilbert couldn’t be happier.


“He loves to be in comfort. He always wants to be on a blanket or under a blanket,” says Aimee.