Mama Dog’s Growls Fade As She Realizes She’s Being Helped

Mama Dog Growls Fade As She Realizes She's Being Helped

When Laurette received a call about a mama dog in desperate need of help, she didn’t hesitate.

She quickly set out to rescue Darcy and her seven newborn pups, who were living in a makeshift tent out in the cold.


Rescuing A Pack

Upon arriving, Laurette found Darcy, a protective mother, growling and unwilling to let her approach. Despite Darcy’s defensive behavior, Laurette was determined to help.


approaching darcy

Source: The Dodo

She asked the property owner to hold Darcy back while she gently moved the puppies to her van. Seeing her babies being relocated, Darcy grew anxious and followed the van, clearly not wanting to be separated from her litter.


darcy's seven pups

Source: The Dodo

This was Laurette’s chance.

She spoke to Darcy in a calm, soothing voice, slowly gaining her trust. Eventually, Darcy realized Laurette was there to help and allowed herself to be picked up and placed in the van with her pups.


rescuing darcy and her pups

Source: The Dodo


Taming Darcy

Arriving at her foster home, Darcy was initially hesitant. But as she observed the kindness and love from her foster family, she began to relax.

Within a week, Darcy was approaching them on her own, seeking out sweet cuddles and affection.


“Darcy has done a complete 180. It’s so unexpected and just amazing. This is why fosters are so important. Lauren and her family helped Darcy to realize how good humans actually are,” said Laurette.


darcy cuddling with foster family

Source: The Dodo

In this nurturing environment, the puppies thrived, growing quickly and beginning their search for forever homes. They were moved to Hope Ranch for further socialization as they prepared for adoption.


A New Beginning For Darcy And Her Pups

Meanwhile, Laurette decided to give Darcy some time on her own, away from her pups.

The change in Darcy’s personality was remarkable. She was no longer growling or showing signs of aggression. Instead, she was loving and affectionate.


happy darcy with foster mom

Source: The Dodo

Unfortunately, Laurette already had four dogs and worried that Darcy wouldn’t get the attention she deserved in her home. She knew Darcy needed and deserved all the love and care possible. So she’s now waiting to be adopted, but it’s only a matter of time.

Thanks to Laurette and her foster family, Darcy and her puppies have a bright future ahead.