Lost Dog Finds Her Way Home After A Year On The Streets

Lost Dog Finds Her Way Home After A Year On The Streets

Truvy is a little dog who has been missing for nearly a year. She was found alone, living by the side of a busy road.

After being rescued, the shelter team discovered she had a microchip, which led to her being finally reunited with her family.


A Call For Help

Cindy Nash, founder of Nicholas’ Pet Haven in Texas, received a call from a concerned woman about a small dog in trouble.

The dog had been living by a major road near a cemetery for a year, and the woman feared it would try to cross the road and get hurt. She asked Cindy to come and rescue the pup.


the dog was found by the road

Source: The Dodo

Without hesitation, Cindy and her team set out to find the little dog that same day.

While setting up traps, they met Dr. Harshivinderjit S. Bains, who had been watching over the dog, named Truvy, from a distance.


“He told me he really loves that dog and wanted to take her home. She had been living inside his clinic as it was being built and managed to stay there all last winter when it was so cold. He provided her with bedding, food, and water for a year but could never touch her,” Nash shared with The Dodo.


Later that day, Cindy returned to check on the traps and found Truvy sitting in one, patiently waiting to be rescued.

Cindy decided to take Truvy to her home. She carefully opened the cage door, and Truvy immediately ran out and into Cindy’s lap.

Cindy was shocked but overjoyed.


The Rescue Mission Happened To Be More Than Successful

Cindy gave Truvy a much-needed bath to remove the sticker burrs from her fur, and Truvy was happy to oblige.

The following day, Cindy took Truvy to the vet for a checkup. During the examination, they discovered that Truvy was microchipped.


truvy rescued

Source: The Dodo

Cindy contacted Truvy’s family, who were thrilled to hear she had been found. They explained that when they moved to Texas a year ago, Truvy had squeezed through their iron fence and disappeared.


“We immediately canvassed the neighborhood, on foot and in cars. For the next few months I drove, searching for her. I also emailed all the vet clinics, shelters, and rescue groups within 60 miles in case she was picked up by someone that wasn’t local,” told Truvy’s mom, Amy Logan, according to The Dodo.


Truvy had been missing for nearly 13 months before being rescued by Cindy. Fortunately, Amy had kept Truvy’s microchip information up to date, which made the reunion possible.


truvy back home

Source: The Dodo

The family was overjoyed to know Truvy was alive and well after living on the streets for so long.


Home At Last

The very next day, Cindy took Truvy to Amy, reuniting the two.


“It took her a minute to figure out that it was her mom. By the time they got her home, she was settling down and knew she was home safe and sound. She was just one lucky little girl,” Cindy told The Dodo.


Dr. Bains felt sad that he couldn’t give Truvy a warm home, but he was happy to hear she was back where she belonged.


reunion with family

Source: The Dodo

Amy expressed immense gratitude to Dr. Bains for keeping Truvy safe in such difficult conditions.