Dog With Unique Smile Was Blessed With A Fresh Start

Dog With Unique Smile Was Blessed With A Fresh Start

This touching story is one of many dogs labeled as unwanted due to their unusual look.

Zipper didn’t have an extra eye or two tails; her only quirk was a unique smile that made her stand out.

Despite her radiant grin, finding someone to take her home was impossible.


The Struggles Of Unconventional Beauty

Dogs with distinctive looks often linger in shelters, overlooked for more traditionally appealing pups.

Zipper, with her deformed jaw and pronounced underbite, was one of these dogs. Her teeth were oddly spaced, making it look like only every other tooth grew in.


beautiful zipper

Source: The Dodo

It appeared Zipper’s life before rescue was harsh.

She had clearly lived outside, suffering from flea infestations and bearing numerous litters of puppies. It seemed she was abandoned after she could no longer produce puppies, left to fend for herself without proper care or love.


A Fresh Start At Callie’s Place

Zipper’s luck turned when she arrived at Callie’s Place, a small animal welfare organization in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.


Initially terrified, Zipper slowly began to trust the staff and enjoy her new life. Renamed Petra, she blossomed, enjoying walks, treats, and lots of affection.


zipper couldnt find a home due to her smile

Source: The Dodo

The team at Callie’s Place provided Petra with much-needed medical care, including spaying her and removing her mammary tumors. With a new diet and lots of love, Petra began to recover and embrace her second chance at life.


After 627 days, She Joined Dogs’ Heaven

Petra spent no less than 627 days at Callie’s Place, becoming a beloved member of the sanctuary.


Although she battled cancer, she continued to show her strong spirit and unique charm until her final days. The official statement from Callie’s Place shared Petra’s passing with heartfelt words on Facebook:


“Petra has been declining for months as cancer took its toll but up until Sunday our sweet strong stubborn no-nonsense girl seemed to hold it at bay. Although we saw it physically withering her away up until Sunday it mentally did not have its hold. Even Saturday Petra was following me, eating Milk Bones and harassing me for meals .. life as we knew it and had become comfortable with. But late Sunday afternoon she started to stumble more as she walked and her appetite waned. My brain started to process this but my heart did not … I kept expecting her to rebound as she has time and time again but this time it was not possible. This time Petra just didn’t “get up”.


zipper smiling to the camera

Source: The Dodo

Petra may have only had 627 days at Callie’s Place, but those days were filled with love and care. Her quirky smile brought sunshine to everyone she met, and she learned that not all humans are the same.