Kind Cops Stay With Injured Pit Bulls And Comfort Them Until Help Arrives

Kind Cops Stay With Injured Pit Bulls And Comfort Them Until Help Arrives

Even in the darkest hours of the night, our heroes in navy blue are committed to serving and protecting all members of the community, no matter the circumstances.

When two pit bull puppies were discovered in desperate need of help on the side of the road, a patrol of police officers went above and beyond their duty to rescue them.

This is the story of Liberty and Justice and the compassionate officers who saved their lives


The Early Morning Rescue

We’re in Orange County, and it’s 4:30 AM.

The streets were empty, and dawn was fast approaching as Officer Patrick Hennessey of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Florida, cruised around, hoping to end his shift soon.

Little did he know that his night was about to take a surprising turn.


liberty and justice being rescued

Source: The Dodo

While driving, Officer Hennessey noticed a moving pile on the curb that seemed out of place.

As he pulled over to investigate, he discovered two pit bull pups who appeared to be in distress.

Concerned, he immediately called for backup, and Deputies Boggs and Reed arrived promptly.


Pups Deserve To Be Protected Too

The two officers joined Hennessey and quickly assessed the situation.

The dogs, relieved to receive attention, greeted the officers with wagging tails and grateful nuzzles.


justice being comforted by officer

Source: The Dodo

However, the officers soon realized something was terribly wrong – one of the dogs was bleeding heavily, leaving blood all over the sidewalk.

It seemed that the injured pup had been hit by a car and left behind. Her loyal companion stayed close, providing comfort in her time of need.


Compassion in Action

With the injured dog’s life at risk, the officers applied pressure and gauze to the wound and stayed with the dogs until help arrived.

They kept the pups warm with hugs, offering soothing words while waiting for the Orange County Animal Services (OCAS) team.


liberty being comforted by officer

Source: The Dodo

When the OCAS team arrived, they transported the pit bull pups to the shelter for immediate medical attention.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, it wasn’t goodbye just yet.


A Heartwarming Reunion

A few days later, Deputies Boggs and Reed visited the shelter to check on the dogs they rescued.

The pit bulls, now named Liberty and Justice, were overjoyed to see their heroes again. They showered the officers with kisses and cuddles in a joyful reunion.


Liberty and Justice quickly gained national attention and were even featured on Good Morning America!

The officers’ compassion and dedication had saved the lives of these two pups, and it was only a matter of time before they found loving forever homes.


Finding Forever Homes

Justice was the first to find her forever home, adopted soon after her rescue.

Although Liberty had tested positive for heartworms, she was also adopted into a loving home later on.


Rumors circulated on social media that Justice had been surrendered back to the shelter two years later. However, there’s no verified information about her being back in the system.

We can only hope that both Liberty and Justice are safe and happy in homes that love and care for them.


Final Words

This inspiring rescue story reminds us that heroes in navy blue are always ready to serve and protect, regardless of species.

Officer Hennessey, Deputies Boggs and Reed, and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office exemplify the power of compassion and dedication.

Their actions saved the lives of two precious pit bulls and gave Liberty and Justice a chance to live their best lives.