Brave Dog Kept Howling Until Someone Came Rescue His Trapped Buddy

Brave Dog Kept Howling Until Someone Came Rescue His Trapped Buddy

Marlo Flores never expected an ordinary evening walk with his dog near their home in Chile would turn into a heroic rescue mission.

As they strolled past a deserted construction site, his dog suddenly pulled on the leash, leading Flores towards an urgent bark echoing through the air.

What he did next really showed the kind of man he is.


A Desperate Discovery

It didn’t take long for Flores to understand the cause of the commotion.


dog barking to save his friend

Source: The Dodo

His dog had found a small, abandoned puppy standing near a dangerous pit.

But the puppy wasn’t just barking for attention; it was a distress call.


Deep within one of the site’s holes, another dog was trapped, unable to escape.

“He was pleading for help,” Flores recalled. The connection was clear—the barking puppy was trying to save its sibling.


The Heroic Rescue Unfolds

Feeling a surge of urgency, Flores rushed home to grab some essentials- food, water, and a rope.


Armed with these tools, he returned to the site, descended into the pit, and carefully lifted the trapped puppy to safety.

The moment they were reunited, the siblings raced to each other, a heartfelt thank you exchanged through their joyful tail wags.


Social Media Helps Big Time

Even though the puppies were now safe, they were weakened by all of this stress. They were not strong enough to walk home.

Flores stayed with them and sent out a plea for help on social media.

His call was answered by Valeska Torres Tapia, an animal rescuer, who arrived in the middle of the night to take over.

“I brought the dogs home and showed them all the love I could,” Tapia said.


angel and salvador on the way to their new home

Source: The Dodo

Once safe, she bathed and groomed them, witnessing firsthand the deep bond the siblings shared.


A Forever Home

Tapia named the dogs Angel and Salvador.

Although it was still unclear how they ended up in such peril, she suspected they were abandoned by a puppy mill operator.


angel and salvador groomed after the rescue

Source: The Dodo

What was clear, however, was their incredible loyalty to each other – they were inseparable.

“They give each other hugs, look out for one another, and never let go. They are always cuddling,” Tapia observed, describing them as “conjoined twins.”

Only a few weeks after being discovered, Angel and Salvador found a forever home – not with a new family, but with Tapia herself.

“After rescuing a dog, I always try to find them a beautiful family,” she explained, “but I knew it would be difficult for Angel and Salvador to find a family since they are inseparable. So, I will keep them and give them more love than they could ever imagine.”


angel and salvador together in their now home

Source: The Dodo

This remarkable story of compassion and community reminds us all of the incredible difference we can make when we choose to respond with kindness.

Flores’s evening walk turned into a life-saving journey, proving that sometimes, heroes are just ordinary people who decide to do something extraordinary.