US Veteran Reunited With His Dog After 764 Days Apart

US Veteran Reunited With His Dog After 764 Days Apart

Every year, thousand of dogs run away from their home, across the world.

And when they do make it back home safely, it’s nothing short of a miracle for their loved ones.

Bill Ballato had been missing his dog Bosco for over 2 years. He had given up hope.

But then, something amazing happened!


The Unexpected Separation

Bosco’s adventure began in Rhode Island, where he unexpectedly ran away from his owner, Bill, on January 9, 2014.

Despite being well-known in the small community, Bosco vanished without a trace, leaving Bill and the local residents unable to locate him.

Bill did everything to find his pup. This US veteran has trouble walking, and yet he made hundreds and hundreds of inquiries about his four-legged companion.

He put up dozens of missing posters all over Rhode Island, but never heard anything.

As time passed, the chances of finding Bosco grew slimmer, especially after Bill moved to Colorado, thinking he would never see his beloved dog again.


A Community Effort

The turning point in this story came when someone spotted Bosco in a beach town in Rhode Island, not far from where Bill used to live.

Turns out Bosco had been living in the streets the whole time!


the trap to catch bosco

Source: Youtube

Sheila Graham, a resident of the Rhode Island beach town, set up a trap using treats to safely capture Bosco.

Her efforts were successful, and she managed to secure the wandering beagle, who had been surviving on his own all this while.


The Long Journey Home

Understanding the special bond that Bill and Bosco shared, and recognizing the logistical challenges posed by Bill’s disability and Bosco’s age, Sheila volunteered to drive Bosco the 2,000 miles back to Lafayette.


She drove over 30 hours in her car, all to reunite Bosco with his dad Bill.

“[Seeing the reunion] is the reward. That makes the 36 hours in a car worth it.” shared Sheila on Facebook.

This gesture of kindness was not just about reuniting a pet with his owner; it was a prime example of human generosity and the lengths to which animal lovers are willing to go to support one another.


Reunion and Recovery

After 764 days apart, Bill and Bosco’s reunion was nothing short of emotional.


The anticipation and joy of seeing Bosco again overwhelmed Bill, who had spent many nights worrying about his dog’s fate, especially during severe storms.

Bosco, who had survived by scavenging for food, was healthy but in need of a diet to return to his optimal weight.


A Call for Community Support

Moved by Sheila’s selflessness and the expenses she incurred to bring Bosco home, Bill has reached out to the community for financial support to reimburse Sheila.

The story not only highlights the deep connection between Bosco and Bill but also showcases the impact of community support and the kindness of strangers.


A Bond Renewed

Now back together, Bill and Bosco have much to catch up on.


Their story is a powerful reminder of the resilience of pets and the enduring hope their owners hold onto, even in the face of uncertainty.

It’s a celebration of loyalty, the spirit of survival, and the miraculous ways in which lost pets can sometimes find their way back home.