Three Pups Stick Together After Their Family Abandoned Them In The Street

Three Pups Stick Together After Their Family Abandoned Them In The Street

In Southern California, a resident recently alerted Logan’s Legacy dog rescue about three abandoned puppies spotted in their neighborhood.

Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy, couldn’t respond immediately, but her dedicated team of friends was ready to help.


The Unbreakable Bond of Sibling Love

When Hall’s team arrived, they found the puppies exactly as described: huddled tightly together on the sidewalk, their backs pressed against each other.

The loyal siblings were vigilant, refusing to move as if they were waiting for their family to return.

“They just sat on the corner and waited,” Hall told The Dodo. “They didn’t move because they were waiting for their family to come back.”

Neighbors informed the rescuers that the dogs’ family had abandoned them near Magic Johnson Park in Los Angeles, then drove away.


pup trio sticking together in the street

Source: Suzette Hall

The frightened pups had bolted into the park, narrowly avoiding traffic.

“They just ran inside the park and huddled together,” Hall said. “So many cars almost hit them.”

The puppies spent days anxiously waiting for their family to return, but no one came back. Just as hope was fading, Hall’s team arrived to save them.



The Rescue Operation

Initially, the rescuers found the pups sitting stoically on the sidewalk. However, as temperatures soared that morning, the dogs sought refuge from the sun, ensuring they stayed together.

“It was hot that day, and there was a car parked in one of the spots,” Hall said. “They went under the car, but they stayed all curled up together.”


three pups hiding under a car

Source: Suzette Hall

Typically, Hall and her team use humane dog traps to capture strays, but these siblings didn’t need such measures.

“My rescuers put some food in their hands and coaxed them over,” Hall said. “They went right to them.”

While two of the pups were hesitant, the only girl in the group immediately trusted her rescuers. The team gently picked her up and placed her in their van, with her two brothers eagerly following.


From Neglect to Comfort

Once in the van, the rescuers realized how neglected the puppies were.

“They were covered in ticks,” Hall said. “They were so matted, and they each had about 40 ticks on them or more.”

Despite their discomfort, the puppies were relieved to be together. One rescuer took them home, where they remained closely attached.


pup trio rescued in the car

Source: Suzette Hall

The first order of business was to groom and clean the pups.

Shaving off the matted fur and removing the ticks, the puppies began to feel immediate relief.

But the most comforting part of their day was being able to cuddle up together in a safe, warm space.


An Unbreakable Bond

Hall noticed something special about these puppies.

While many stray dogs form bonds for survival, these siblings had a genuine connection.


pup trio cleanly shaved

Source: Suzette Hall

Named Polly, Damien, and Barkley, the puppies are now in foster care, enjoying a much-needed respite from their ordeal. Hall and her team are dedicated to finding a forever home that will adopt all three together.

“It would be amazing if they could all be adopted together,” Hall said. “They’re so sweet.”

As they wait for their perfect home, Polly, Damien, and Barkley remain inseparable, their bond growing stronger each day.

No longer on the streets, they continue to face the world side by side, proving that love and loyalty can overcome even the toughest beginnings.