Man Sees Cute Face Peeking From Drain Pipe And Realizes He’s Found His Soul Dog

Man Sees Adorable Face Peeking From Drain Pipe And Realizes He's Found His Soul Dog

Seeking shelter from the harsh street life, a small brown puppy found refuge in a drain pipe along the roadside.

Hoping someone might notice her and help, the pup, later named Charlie, sat quietly in her uncomfortable hiding spot. But most cars passed by, leaving her unnoticed and filling her with sadness.

Little did she know, a rescue was just around the corner.


An Unexpected Encounter On The Way To The Gym

Aubrey V. Lynn had no idea her day would take a heartwarming turn when she said goodbye to her partner, who was off to the gym.

As Aubrey worked from home, her partner spotted a tiny face peeking out from the drain pipe along a busy road. Feeling an immediate connection, he knew he couldn’t leave the helpless puppy behind.


cute puppy stuck in drain pipe

Source: @aubreyvlynn

He kept driving past but knew he couldn’t just leave her, so he turned around and sent me a message,” said Aubrey.


Both of them realized they had to help the little dog but faced a challenge.

The drain was close to heavy traffic, and they worried that the frightened pup might dash into the road if startled.


cute puppy in drain pipe

Source: @aubreyvlynn

We both felt really anxious because sometimes she would come out of the hole, but she wouldn’t let us get close enough to catch her,” Aubrey recalled.


Determined, the couple devised a plan. They bought some tasty dog food from a nearby pet store, hoping to lure Charlie out.

They set the food out, but after 24 hours, the little pup still refused to come out of hiding.

Just as they were about to give up and get on their scooter, Charlie unexpectedly ran up to them. Aubrey scooped her up, and the moment she did, Charlie relaxed, sensing the love and safety she had been yearning for.


cute puppy getting rescued

Source: @aubreyvlynn

She calmed immediately and didn’t try to get away,” Aubrey said.


A Fresh Start For Charlie

With Charlie now safe in their arms, Aubrey and her partner took her home.


cute puppy after recovery

Source: @aubreyvlynn

Initially, they hadn’t planned on adopting a dog, but spending time with Charlie changed their minds. Soon, they couldn’t imagine life without her.


We never talked about it while trying to rescue her, but I think both of us knew in that moment she was part of our family now,” Aubrey admitted.


Charlie quickly adapted to her new surroundings, grateful for the warmth, food, and love she had long been deprived of.


cute puppy finally happy

Source: @aubreyvlynn

[Charlie] adapted really well. She was timid at first but warmed up so quickly. You could tell she just wanted to be loved — it was really sweet,” Aubrey added.


Now, as Aubrey and her partner watch Charlie joyfully play in their backyard, they are amazed by the wonderful addition she has become to their family.



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Une publication partagée par Aubrey Geltz (@aubreyvlynn)