Stray Dog With A Swollen Belly Is Rescued From The Street

Stray Dog With A Swollen Belly Is Rescued From The Street

In the heart of Ukraine, amidst the turmoil and shadows of war, we discover the story of Zhuzha.

An adorable 2-year old dog, likely left homeless by the war, she was wandering the streets, in pretty bad shape.

Thanks to the actions of a local rescue team, she would soon have a happy ending...


A Life Marked by War

Zhuzha’s story begins on the streets, where the scars of war had left her homeless, a plight faced by countless animals in conflict zones.


loving dog zhuzha found in the street

Source: Youtube

She was spotted wandering near a loading dock, and her appearance was disheartening.

She had a massive, distended belly, contrasting with the clipped ear that marked her as a spayed dog.

The initial sight of Zhuzha struck a chord with the team at Love Furry Friends, a dedicated rescue group in Ukraine, who upon hearing her plight, immediately set out to offer a helping hand.


A Cry for Help

The rescue was timely.

Zhuzha was in palpable misery, her labored breathing a sign of her severe discomfort.

“Zhuzha is breathing very heavily, she urgently needs to be taken to the clinic.” said the team.

The rescue team’s prompt action brought her to a veterinarian clinic where her diagnosis revealed a grim reality.


zhuzha being rescued from the street

Source: Youtube

Zhuzha was battling heartworm disease, a serious condition caused by parasitic roundworms, which, if left untreated, could lead to fatal consequences.

This diagnosis set the stage for a fight for life, as veterinarians discovered the alarming cause of her condition—over 10 liters of fluid accumulated due to abnormal heart function, a direct consequence of the heartworms.


The Fight for Recovery

The diagnosis of the vet was clear.

“With such a disease, dogs that don’t receive any treatment simply cannot survive.”

The vet team immediately got to work once the diagnosis had been set. They started to drain the liquids out of her body; as much as 10 liters of fluid were drained on the first day!


zhuzha being treated at the vet

Source: Youtube

Spending 10 days in intensive care, she underwent treatments that not only saved her life but also restored her hope. The journey was challenging, marked by moments of uncertainty, but Zhuzha’s will to survive was strong.


A New Beginning

Emerging from the ordeal, Zhuzha was given a chance to breathe fresh air and enjoy a leisurely stroll in the park, a simple pleasure that marked the beginning of her new life.

Her arrival at the home of Love Furry Friends was a transition from survival to living; a place where baths, food, toys, and the warmth of a bed awaited her.


zhuzha happy at her new shelter

Source: Youtube

Here, Zhuzha found companionship among other rescues, a community of survivors who supported each other in healing, not just physically but emotionally as well.


A Call to Action

Zhuzha’s journey from the streets to sanctuary highlights the profound impact of war on animals and the importance of rescue efforts.

This dog is more than a survivor; she is a symbol of the resilience and strength that define the spirit of those who have faced the unimaginable.


zhuzha fully recovered

Source: Youtube

Today, Zhuzha is ready for a forever home. Her advanced condition means she will need medication for life, but her spirit and joy for life make her a companion worth fighting for.

For those touched by her story and willing to offer support or a loving home, Love Furry Friends opens its doors to connect kind hearts with this sweet soul.