Police Officer Saves Puppy Left On The Streets And Adopts Him

Police Officer Saves Puppy Left On The Streets And Adopts Him

On July 16, 2020, the Augusta Police Station shared a touching story about an abandoned and injured puppy in desperate need of help.

Officer Sara Rogers responded to the emergency call regarding the abandoned puppy on the streets of Augusta, the capital city of Maine.

With her deep compassion for animals, especially those in dire situations, Sara quickly headed out to rescue the little pup.


A Rescue Mission

Upon arriving at the scene, Sara gently placed the injured puppy in her car’s passenger seat and rushed her to a veterinarian for immediate care.

While the vet team worked on treating the puppy’s injuries, Sara and her colleagues attempted to locate the owner. Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful in finding the person responsible for abandoning the pup.

The veterinarian asked if Officer Rogers could keep an eye on the puppy overnight until the Kennebec Humane Society staff came in the next morning. Sara readily agreed, feeling an undeniable connection with the little one and sensing that something special was developing between them.



From Fostering To Adopting

Throughout her night shift, Officer Rogers checked on the puppy regularly. She even shared her meal break with her new furry friend. During this time, they formed a deep bond.

Sara decided to foster the puppy until she could be adopted, and soon her entire family fell in love with their new guest.

On August 18, just about a month later, the puppy became available for adoption.

Sara couldn’t bear the thought of saying goodbye to the sweet pup, who she had named Rey after her favorite Star Wars Jedi character. Filled with love, Rey found her forever home with Sara’s family, who welcomed her with open arms.

The Augusta Maine Police Department shared this happy ending on their official Facebook page, signing off with, “You have to love happy endings!”