Man And His Big Rescue Family Live Life To The Fullest

Man And His Big Rescue Family Live Life To The Fullest

Dina and Eric, a wonderful couple with hearts of gold, have adopted not one, not two, but 11 homeless animals!

Managing a household with so many different personalities can be challenging, but they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Here’s their incredible story.


A House Full Of Love

Eric and Dina have always been passionate about helping animals.


Over the years, they’ve fostered more than 50 dogs, and their commitment only grows stronger. They currently share their home with six dogs, four cats, and a little pig named Lou.

Helping abandoned animals has become their life’s work.


“For me, it’s our responsibility to make sure they’re safe and they’re cared for,” Dina explains.


Despite the challenges of managing a home with multiple personalities, Eric and Dina handle it effortlessly. Their rescue animals, along with their two daughters, fill their home with joy and love, ensuring there’s always room for everyone.


The Best Dad Ever

Though both Dina and Eric share pet care duties, it’s Eric who seems to be the favorite. He’s the gentle one, letting the pets get away with almost anything!


“The cats will snatch food from his plate, and he just lets it slide. They all know to be patient and wait for their turn,” Dina says.


eric cuddling his pets

Source: The Dodo

Eric allows the pets to snuggle in bed with him or join him in the hammock. He gives them bubble baths, cuddles them around the house, and even lies on the floor to play with them. In return, every animal, including Lou the pig, adores him.


“They all want his attention so, so much! As soon as he gets in the hammock, they are like: ‘My dad’s in the hammock!’”


enjoying hammock together

Source: The Dodo

The pets follow him everywhere, never leaving his side. With Eric’s encouragement, Lou the pig fits right into the family, cuddling with Scoobs the dog, and spending time with the whole pack.


Instilling Values In Their Children

Eric and Dina believe that caring for animals is an important lesson for their daughters. They have always emphasized the importance of treating every animal with kindness.


“We love teaching the kids to be respectful of the animals. They know the animals deserve just as much love and compassion as we give to another human being,” Dina shares.


the kids playing with the rescues

Source: The Dodo

With such loving and dedicated parents, it’s clear their daughters will grow up to be just as compassionate!

You can discover their daily adventures on Instagram which has already about 23k followers!