Abandoned Pittie Facing Euthanasia Due To Doggy Cold Saved At The Last Minute

Abandoned Pittie Facing Euthanasia Due To Doggy Cold Saved At The Last Minute

Ranger’s story began in a lonely, vacant apartment in New York City, abandoned by the family who left him behind.

Scared and with no one to care for him, this sweet Pittie boy was discovered by animal control and taken to a shelter.

Things took a turn for the worse when Ranger caught a doggy cold. The shelter staff, fearing it would spread to other dogs, made the heartbreaking decision to euthanize him.

But just when all hope seemed lost, a miracle happened.


Saving Ranger From Euthanasia

A volunteer named Kelsey stepped in as Ranger’s hero. She couldn’t bear to see him unjustly put down, so she decided to foster him herself.


Under her care, Ranger slowly recovered and began to show his true personality. Once he felt safe, he blossomed into a sweet and affectionate dog, craving love and attention.

As Ranger adjusted to his new home, Kelsey realized it was time for him to find a forever family.

His story caught the attention of an animal lover named Sarah, who fell in love with him through social media.


However, by the time she applied to adopt him, Ranger had already been placed with another family. Sarah was heartbroken, thinking she had missed her chance.

But just a few weeks later, Kelsey reached out with surprising news: Ranger had been returned because it wasn’t a good fit, and he was available again.

Sarah was overjoyed and couldn’t wait to meet him.


A Fresh Start With Sarah

Kelsey flew with Ranger to Seattle, where he was introduced to Sarah. Their connection was instant, though Ranger needed some time to fully settle into his new surroundings.


His favorite part of his new home is the open space, where he runs and plays every day. One of his cutest habits is his love for sticks—he finds a new one on every walk, and the bigger, the better!


“He finds a stick every single day, and the bigger, the better,” says Sarah.


Ranger’s new life is full of love and adventure. He enjoys hiking, road trips, and endless playtime with his mom.


Recently, he welcomed a new sibling, a dog named Charlie, and embraced his role as a big brother with open paws.


“He brings so much joy and shows what a gentle giant Pitties can be. He just wants to love everyone,” says Sarah.


Before Charlie, Ranger shared his home with his mom and some cat siblings, getting along with every living creature he met.

His loving nature and joyful energy brighten everyone’s day, especially when he’s around kids, who he adores.


From being abandoned and nearly euthanized, Ranger is now a happy, gentle giant living his best life, surrounded by love and new adventures. You can follow his daily life on his Instagram profile.